Privacy Policy

General Provisions and Conditions 
Below are the terms of use for website and service. is the first company in the Armenian market offering emergency bags, including radiation protection measures. 
The main office of is located at RA, Kotayk, Arinj, Mashtots str., house 30. "ZGON" LLC is registered with the State Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Armenia, certificate No. 42.110.1349156.

Terms and Definitions 
In this offer, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings and are an integral part of it: Website - website 
Product - the subject of agreement between the parties, represented in the catalog list of website ("ZGON Emergency Bag", "ZGON Anti-Radiation Package", "ZGON First Aid Kit", etc.). 
Order - a properly executed request by the Buyer regarding the purchase and receipt of selected products on the website. 
Website Visitor - a person who has entered the website for any purpose. Seller - a company that has the right to sell products on the website according to the current official contract and is one of the Parties to this offer. 
Buyer - a physical person who intends to order or purchase the ordered, acquired Product.
Customer - a Website Visitor or Buyer who is the second Party to the current offer.
Sales Rules - the rules for selling products published in the "Public Offer" section on the website.

2.    General Provisions
2.1 This public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) is the Seller's official offer to any individual who has legal capacity and necessary authorization to enter into a contract with the seller under the conditions specified in this offer and includes all essential terms of the contract.
2.2 Relationships in the field of consumer protection are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, specifically by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia and the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Consumer Rights Protection".
3.1. The Buyer or website visitor, hereinafter referred to as the Customer, may register on the Website.
To register on the Website or place an order in any other way, you must be over 18 years old. You accept that the information provided during or after registration is accurate and complete.
3.2 The Seller is not responsible for the accuracy and clarity of the information provided by the Customer during registration.
3.3. A Customer who registers on the Website receives personal identification by providing a username and password. The Customer's personal identification prevents unauthorized actions by third parties in the Customer's name. Transferring access and password to third parties is prohibited.
3.4 The Customer is solely responsible for all possible negative consequences in the event of transferring access and password to third parties.

4.    Subject of the Agreement and Product Price
4.1. The Customer visits the Website page, uses the tools provided by the Seller to obtain information about Products and/or make Product purchases in accordance with this Agreement, which regulates a specific purpose of visiting the site.
4.2 When entering into product sales and purchase relationships, the Seller sells, and the Buyer fully accepts and pays for the ordered Products according to the terms of this Agreement.
4.3 The ownership right of the ordered products passes to the Buyer from the moment they pay the full value of the products. The risk of accidental loss or damage of the products passes to the Buyer from the moment the Products are shipped to the Buyer. The delivery of Products to the Buyer is confirmed by a document confirming the acceptance of the product, which is the actual transfer of the product by the Seller to the Buyer.
4.3 Product prices are determined by the Seller unilaterally and undisputedly and are listed on the online store pages.
4.4 The product price is specified in Armenian drams and includes value-added tax.

5.    Moment of Contract Conclusion
5.1 The text of this Agreement is a public offer (in accordance with Article 453 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia).
5.2 For the purpose of using the website page to obtain information about the Product, the acceptance of this offer (agreement) is considered registration on the Website, creation of projects using the Website tools, subscription to advertising and informational newsletters. The terms of the Agreement regulating product sales and purchase relationships come into force from the moment the Buyer places a Product order in accordance with this offer or terms of use.
5.3. The contract concluded on the basis of the Customer's acceptance of this offer is an accession agreement to which the Customer joins without exceptions and/or reservations.
5.4. The fact of an order being placed by the Buyer is an unconditional fact of the Buyer's acceptance of the terms of this agreement. A buyer who has purchased products on the Seller's website is considered to be a person entering into sales and purchase relations with the seller in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

6.    Rights and Obligations of the Parties
6.1 The Seller is obligated to:
6.1.1. Fully ensure all obligations to the Customer from the moment of concluding this Agreement, in accordance with the terms of this contract and current legislation. The Seller reserves the right to refuse its obligations under the Agreement in case of force majeure circumstances specified in paragraph 9 of this Agreement.
6.1.2. Develop and ensure the confidentiality of the customer's personal data in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
6.1.3 By accepting this offer (its acceptance), the Customer agrees and allows the Seller to process their personal data, including surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, gender, postal address, home, work, mobile phones, email address, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, distribution (including transfer within the Republic of Armenia and cross-border transfer), depersonalization, blocking of personal data, destruction, as well as transfer to the Seller's partners for conducting research aimed at improving service quality, marketing programs, statistical studies, and promoting services in the market. The customer's consent to the processing of their personal data is indefinite and may be canceled by sending a written request to the seller at the postal address.
6.2 The Seller has the right to:
6.2.1 Unilaterally change this Agreement, Product prices and related service tariffs, methods and conditions of Product payment by placing them on the pages of website. All changes come into force immediately after publication and are considered to have drawn the Customer's attention from the moment of such publication.
6.2.2. Conduct recordings of telephone conversations with the Customer. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, "the Seller undertakes to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information and/or its transfer to persons not directly related to the execution of Orders, timely detect and suppress such facts.
6.2.4 Send advertising and informational messages to the Customer via email. The frequency of postal messages is determined by the Seller independently, unilaterally.
6.3 The Buyer is obligated to:
6.3.1. Before concluding the Agreement, familiarize themselves with the content and conditions of the Agreement, and the prices of products offered by the Seller.
6.3.2 Provide all necessary data that uniquely identifies them as a Buyer and are sufficient for shipping the Products ordered by them to the Buyer.
6.3.3 Pay for the ordered products according to the terms of this contract and the conditions of the "Payment Methods" clause, direct link to the clause:
6.3.4 Comply with the sales rules.
6.4. The Customer has the right to:
6.4.1. Refuse to receive marketing messages. To refuse, the customer must notify by sending an email to or a postal letter to RA, Kotayk, Arinj, Mashtots str., house 30.

7.    Product Delivery and Payment
Delivery and payment conditions for products, direct link to the product:,

8.    Offer Revocation 
The Seller may revoke the Offer (Contract) at any time, but this does not serve as a basis for rejecting the Seller's obligations under already concluded contracts.

9.    Force Majeure
Each Party is released from liability for not fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement fully or partially if such failure arose from force majeure circumstances that occurred after this Agreement came into force. "Force Majeure Circumstances" mean extraordinary events or circumstances that the Party could not have foreseen or prevented by the means available to it. Changes in existing legislation or regulations that directly or indirectly affect either Party are not considered Force Majeure. However, if such changes are made that do not allow either Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are obliged to immediately decide on the procedure for eliminating this issue, so that the Parties continue to perform the activities specified in this Contract or terminate it in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

10.    Parties' Obligations
10.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties bear responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
10.2 All text information and graphic images, including photos and videos posted on the website, are protected by copyright, and illegal use of this information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

11.    Other Conditions
11.1 All disputes related to non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
11.2 If no agreement is reached during negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in court in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Product Return Policy
Dear Customer,
Considering that the Product includes pharmaceutical goods and personal use items, under Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Protection of Consumer Rights," the Product purchased by the consumer is not subject to return or refund.
Privacy Policy Additional Clarification
The website takes great responsibility in maintaining the confidentiality of its customers' data and ensures that no personal data will be shared with third parties, except in cases explicitly provided for by the law, the General Terms and Conditions of the Website, or the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, as well as parties directly involved in this Agreement, such as banks, accounting firms, legal services, etc. strictly adheres to the Law on Personal Data Protection.
Viewing and Editing Personal Data
In accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Armenia, you have the right to view and edit your personal data collected by us. To do so, please send a request to

Personal Data Registration Process
Customer personal data is used only in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Armenia and these General Terms and Conditions.
Use of Personal Data for Marketing Purposes
When providing marketing services to its partners, may use its customers' personal data and, based on this data, send brochures, emails, paper letters, SMS messages, make phone calls, or use other communication methods on behalf of itself and/or its partners. If a customer does not wish to receive such information, they must inform of their refusal by sending an email to or a postal letter to the following address: Republic of Armenia, Kotayk region, Arinj, Mashtots Street, house 30.